Advanced Diploma in Water Quality Management
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About Department
This is a unique course, which aims at creating trained personnel in the field of water treatment.
Institute in collaboration with Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. has started the course during the academic
year 1998-99. Ion Exchange India Ltd. has been working in the field since last forty years all over the
world. Participation of M/s. Wipro Water, Mumbai, M/s. Neela India Ltd, Goregaon (Mumbai) and
Thermax Ltd; Pune and SPARKLE Clean Tech, Khopoli strengthened this course to provide training
and placement facility.
This course is designed by eminent academicians and industrial experts from water industries to
prepare a skilled manpower in the field of service engineering to drinking water, effluent treatment
plant; marketing of treatment plants, project documentation and design, quality control and water
analysis. More than 250 students have completed this course and are performing well in the water
industries. Few students have started their own firms in water treatment field.